The Committee at Arlington
The Committee is charged with honoring America’s best:
Some died young,
They came from the North, South and West,
And all deserve praises sung
A day came when the Committee was tested
Congress had a plan,
And it was not strongly contested
Destroyers rallied, led by a detestable man
Academics dutifully lied
The “Lost Cause” was their reason
On a memorial the Committee had to decide
And Confederates were accused of treason
Good people defended Arlington
And they put up a good fight
In the end the Yankees won
In the end they let the cranes on site
The enemy used the tactics of the left
They were aided by politicians and the press
Restore Ezekiel’s art is now the quest
The Committee at Arlington sure made a mess
The Committee could have led,
But said Congress left them no choice
“Hell, it’s only Southern dead”
The powerful did not use their voice
A memorial could have been saved
Instead, we lost a Jewish man’s art
Because the Committee caved,
Arlington is forever scarred.